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Three of the world's biggest and most amazing mountain ranges in pakistan

The Highest Peak of Kirthar Range Stands Tall in Pakistan Mountain Range

Pakistan is host to three of the world's biggest and most amazing mountain ranges for pakistan tour, the Himalaya, the Karakoram and the Hindukush is best destination for travelers. The coming together of these beautiful ranges, at the coming-together of Indus and Gilgit rivers near Jaglot a small town 40 Km south of Gilgit city, create a (like nothing else in the world) (related to where mountains, rivers, cities, etc., are located) feature on earth, complete adventure destination for every pakistan traveler.

These beautiful mountain ranges are also home to one of the densest collection of highest and most steep and dangerous mountain peaks in the world. These include five, out of the total forteen, above 8000 meter high peaks in the world, including the second highest mountain peak K-2 (8611m),Anyway these mountain ranges also brag more than 100 peaks above 7000 meters and around 700 peaks above 6000 meters. 1. Himalayas (Western) Mountain Range in pakistan

2. Karakoram Range The Karakoram Range covers the borders between Pakistan, India and China, in the areas of Gilgit-Baltistan (Pakistan), Ladakh (India), and Xinjiang area, (China). The range is about 500 km (311 mile) in length, and is bounded on the northeast by the edge of the Tibetan (Flat area of land), and on the north by the Pamir Mountains.

The southern edge/border of the Karakoram is formed, west to east, by the Gilgit, Indus, and Shyok Rivers, which separate the range from the northwestern end of the Himalaya range. Karakoram range has more than 60 peaks which are above 7,000 metres (22,960 ft). This range includes K2, which is the second highest peak of the world standing at 8,611 metres (28,251 ft). A (related to Europe) team first tried to climb K2 in 1856. A member of this team, Thomas Montgomerie, named this peak "K2" as it was the second in order in the Karakoram range. The other five peaks are named as K1 (Masherbrum), K3 (Broad Peak), K4 (Gasherbrum II) and K5 (Gasherbrum I). The Siachen Huge mass of ice at 70 km and the Biafo Huge mass of ice at 63 km rank as the world's second and third longest huge masses of ice outside the polar areas. The range has always been one of the most liked mountain range among the mountaineers and travelers from around the world due to its scenery, its lakes and (things that are near and around something) .The main karakorum range is the continental divide of southern Asia. Rivers to the south flow into the Arabian Sea. Rivers to the north flow to the Yellow Sea. 3. Hindu Kush Range in Pakistan

4. Sulaiman Mountain Ranges In Pakistan

Balochistan mountain ranges in Pakistan
mountain ranges in balochistan map

The Sulaiman Mountains are in northern Balochistan and Zabul area of control/area of land of Afghanistan. It is present at the border of the Indian Subcontinent and the Iranian (Flat area of land) and west of the Indus River. Takht-e-Sulaiman, meaning Solomon's (seat of power of a king or queen) with a height of 3,487 m (11,437 feet) in Balochistan is the highest peak of Sulaiman Mountains.Suleiman Range is Pakistan's forward major mountain range. It comes out/becomes visible in the south western area of the country, mostly covering Baluchistan Area of control/area of land. However the mountain range is quite different in character from the Northern Mountains as it is less steep and dangerous and with medium elevations. 5. Salt Range in Pakistan Mountains

Khewra, Mayo, Warcha and Kalabagh are present in 'The Salt Range'.
Khewra are present in The Salt Range

In Punjab there is a hill system called as 'The Salt Range'. It gets its name from the long/big rock salt deposits present in the area. This range lies across the northern area of control/area of land of Punjab, from the Jhelum River to the Indus. The famous salt mines of Khewra, Mayo, Warcha and Kalabagh are present in 'The Salt Range'. 6. Safed Koh (The White Mountain Range)

Koh e safed mountain range of pakistan
kohe safed mountain ranges in Pakistan

The Safed Koh or the White Mountain range lies at the Pakistan Afghanistan border. It ranges up to 4,761 metres (15,620 ft) above sea-level. 7. Kirthar Mountain Ranges in Pakistan

Kirthar mountain ranges in Pakistan
highest peak of kirthar range in pakistan

Kirthar Mountains are in Sindh and Balochistan. The range extends southward for nearly 300km from the Mula River (Balochistan) to Cape Muari (west of Karachi) on the Arabian Sea. The maximum height of the Kirthar range that is present in Sindh is almost 7,056 feet above sea-level, which makes it Sindh's highest peak. This range is present a few miles north-west of the Gorakh Hill Station (5,688 feet.) 8. Hindu Raj Range

Hindu raj mountain of hindu kash mountain ranges
Hindu Raj Mountain ranges in Pakistan

The Hindu Raj is a range of Hindu Kush located between the Hindu Kush and the Karakoram Ranges. 9. Spin Ghar Mountains with PakPeak Sikaram (4,761 m or 15,620 feet)

10. Margalla Hills with PakPeak Tilla Charouni (1604 m or 5263 feet.) as its highest peak.

11. Toba Kakar Range

12. Makran Range


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