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Astola Island Pakistan: The Mysterious Island Hidden In The Arabian Sea

Astola Island, Pakistan, or Jazeera Haft Talar, is a breathtaking offshore island in the Arabian Sea. Its mysterious location and rich marine biodiversity make it renowned.

Also, it has historical significance and unique geological features. Dr. Tracy Curtin-Taylor, a famous British adventurer, mentioned that “Astola Island is a secret treasure of Pakistan. It has stunning natural beauty and a deep cultural history. This island still has a lot to be discovered.” 

Join us as we detail Pakistan’s rich and mysterious heritage.

Why Is Astola Island Famous?

Astola Island is the initial Marine Protected Area in Pakistan. Curious about why Astola Island is famous? The island features;

  • Sandy shores

  • Clear blue water

  • Little rocky hills. 

Many people like to go camping and snorkeling there because of this. It is also favored for exo-tourism.

Astola Island is home to around 22 species of corals, as well as;

  • Dolphins 

  • Whales

  • A variety of fish species.

It's a crucial breeding area for green sea turtles (Chelonia Mydas). The island's isolation and lack of development have kept its natural beauty intact. Still, dangers like Ghost nets can endanger marine animals and nesting sea turtles.

Astola Island view

Do People Live on Astola Island?

Astola Island is Pakistan's biggest offshore island. It is around 25 km from the coast to the south and 39 km southeast of the fishing port of Pasni in Balochistan. No one inhabits the island, and it has no permanent human settlement.

The island is only temporarily occupied by local fishermen. It occurs during the fishing season from September to May each year. During the off-season from June to August, the island remains unpopulated. It is due to the rough seas and high tides.

There are no standing structures or permanent facilities on the island. The only exception is a lighthouse. The government installed it in 1982 and later replaced it with a solar-powered one in 1987.

  • The Island's harsh environment

  • Lack of freshwater

  • Remote location 

Make it unsuitable for permanent human habitation. The vegetation consists only of sparse shrubs and bushes, with no trees. 

Astola Island Pakistan Tourism 

Astola Island in Balochistan, Pakistan, is a popular tourist destination. It's called the “Island of the Seven Hills” because of its rocky peaks. On June 15, 2017, the island, known for its diverse wildlife, was designated Pakistan's initial Marine Protected Area.

This destination aims to conserve biodiversity, ban illegal fishing, and regulate sustainable activities. It is a home to unique wildlife, including;

  • The Endemic Astola saw-scaled viper

  • Endangered green turtles

  • Hawksbill turtles that nest on its beaches

  • 22 species of corals in its surrounding waters

It blends natural beauty and ecological importance, making it a top ecotourism destination.

Activities Tourist Can Enjoy on Astola Island 

Tourists can enjoy a variety of activities on Astola Island, including:

  • Scuba Diving 

  • Snorkeling 

  •  Fishing

  • Camping

  • Kayaking and Canoeing 

  • Pedal Boating 

  • Yachting 

  • Bird Watching 

  • Turtle Breeding 

  • Historical Exploration 

Historical Sites on Astola Island

Astola Island features several historical sites:

Ancient Hindu Temple 

The remains of a shrine honoring the goddess Kali, also called Satadip by Hindus, are still visible today.


In 1987, a lighthouse powered by solar energy was constructed to ensure the safety of ships at sea.


A tiny mosque on Astola Island honors the Muslim saint Pir Khawaja Khizr. Fishermen use it as a place of worship and refuge.

The island has held historical importance since the year 325 BC. Admiral Nearchos noted it during Alexander the Great’s expedition.

beauty of Astola Island

Legends and Myths Linked to Astola Island 

Legends and myths notably link Astola Island with the following:


Some modern researchers suggest that the island imprisoned the Dajjal, a figure in Islamic eschatology.

Saint Khidr

A mythology of Saint Khidr, a guiding figure in water-related myths, links to the island,


Ancient accounts describe it as Nosala, an island shrouded in spooky tales. Sailors believed that those who touched it would disappear. Arrian recounted this myth in the context of Alexander the Great's expedition.

These legends contribute to the island's mystical allure and historical significance.


Astola Island, Pakistan, is a captivating destination in the Arabian Sea. The area is abundant in history, biodiversity, and cultural value. Despite being unpopulated, the deserted island attracts visitors with its beautiful scenery and ancient remains. It is famous for its unique sea creatures, some at risk of extinction. Visitors can explore ancient sites and enjoy pristine beaches. Legends, including ties to Saint Khidr and Hindu deities, enhance Astola’s allure. Pakistan's first Marine Protected Area is Astola Island. It shows the country's commitment to conservation. It also promotes eco-tourism. Do you find this article helpful? Do share your thoughts in the comments!


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